Introducing B.H. Steele Printing Design & User Friendliness Business Analysis

Feel like your business needs a fresh look but don’t know where to start?

What if you could get personalized help from a graphic and user experience designer?

Get years of professional education and real-life experience to improve your business for your clients. Real-life tested techniques backed by industry standards.

Personalized help to LAUNCH your business higher. Whether you have a side hustle or a small business!

Establish your business as a leader by listening to what your clients truly need.

Ever went to a restaurant whose design was AMAZING but the food was NOT!

The tables are immaculate the lighting is beautiful, and even the food may look awesome, but if the food is undercooked it doesn’t matter!

Marketing teams may help you LOOK good but we offer another vital part every successful company has a behind-the-scenes user-friendliness perspective to determine that your business is truly EXCELLENT. B. H. Steele Printing can help you not only create but IDEATE.


Sign Up for a FREE 30 Minute Session


Here is what your analysis includes

  • A 1-hour conversation where we both decide if we are an ideal match and talk about goals.

  • A SWOT analysis of your website/ Social Media or Online presence/ User journey and in-person experience if it applies

  • A customized solution tool to address design/ presentation and user-friendliness problems.

  • A custom package to help address the problems based on your budget

Sign Up for a FREE 30 Minute Session

This is your chance to get help with

  • Overall brand consistency

  • Wix, Word Press or Square Space website updates


  • Review your customer journey

  • Build your business toolbox with education



Not sure if it’s worth it?

Schedule a Free 30 Minute Quick Analysis!

What will we do after a comprehensive business analysis?

We can use the following tools to update your online presence.


  • Establish a brand story by identifying your mission, values, client, and voice.

  • Offer a professional branding session for photography and videography.

  • Redesign or update your logo and website.

  • Make your website more user-friendly. Offer a usability test to target areas of improvement.

  • Establish tools to maintain high-quality social media profiles.

  • Ensure your backend system is organized and properly backed up so you don’t lose vital information.

  • Adjust your client journey to be easy and enjoyable.

  • Examine all your business copy and ensure it is impactful.

  • Ensure your brochures, business cards, and mailers are up to date.

  • Ensure you can fully navigate your business online and monitor your success.

  • Make you a lover of learning so you continue to grow.


Sign Up for a FREE 30 Minute Session



BH Steele Printing is a unique personalized approach to refreshing your business. One on one help with a real person!

Sign Up for a FREE 30 Minute Session

You can buy good design online.   you can’t buy intuition.

Other services may help you refresh your website but do you know the method behind the decisions for colors, words, and user flow? If it’s not speaking to your specific business it will look pretty but still frustrate clients.


FREE 30 Minute Session


Don’t know where to start to elevate your business design and user flow? We meet you right where you are.

Do wonder why your website goes unused?

You may have a communication problem! As business owners we have a different value than the average online user. As Steve Krug UX professional says “people don’t like to puzzle over how to do things. They enjoy puzzles in their place—when they want to be entertained or diverted or challenged—but not when they’re trying to find out what time their dry cleaner closes.”

Did you build your website using a template but want it to be customized for your business but you don’t know how?

We can help you clarify your business story and image so that your website, brochures and mailers reflect your true mission.

Are you struggling to adapt your business to the online market?

Not a fan of social media but know it has something to do with bringing in customers. We can help you with the basic tools to have an outstanding online presence that offers an experience your clients will love.

Are you a solopreneur or entrepreneur who works 24/7 ?

Grow your business and get back time by analyzing systems that no longer serve your profit margin. We will help you identify the tools to advance your business presence in person and online.

We have been                Where you are!

Our co-founder started her photography business after years of trial and error! Ideally, everyone could afford the marketing team and user experience designer they need. When she started she had no budget but was able to use her educational experience to research and build her skills.

You may think that’s great! What about you who need the help now and can’t afford to spend thousands on time or education? 

That’s where we step in!

Sign Up for a FREE 30 Minute Session

Introducing B. H. Steele Printing design and user-friendliness business analysis!

Our analysis service will provide an outside look as to what your clients go through everyday. We will look to see if your business mission is clear and accessible through your website, social media and print media. Meet with us one on one virtually. We are affordable and accessible weather you have been in the game for 10 months or 10 years. Our goal is to help you grow with personalized help!

If you want to be successful you must take an honest look at your business.


You can’t improve what you don’t see. We will share how we overcome the hurdles. We don’t promise instant success or cheap solutions. We do promise to give real feedback whether you are already perfect or need a lot of help and we will work within your budget to decide what ways you can improve.


Are we the right fit for you?

A personal approach

We believe in the power of a good conversation! Instead of just sending tasks we will walk beside you and see what will work for you! We aren’t here to oversell design services or products you don’t need. That’s why we take a few clients at a time and introduce them to resources that have worked for us. You will walk away with tools that you can continue to use whether or not you decide to hire our company.

FREE 30 Minute Session



Yes, you can hire anyone online to help you with your website.

We believe the experience and education we offer will not only grow your business but will grow you to think profitable, and user-friendly and make you able to adapt no matter the business landscape.

Ready to make purposeful decisions regarding the presentation of your business?


No more randomly throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Understand why you present your business the way you do and know how to continually evaluate your business for improvement!

Become Tech Literate

It’s a scary world out there! 2020 showed us that we have to engage online to have a business strategy that works well online. This means having a basic knowledge of the online world so you don’t get scammed or taken advantage of!

One of our goals is to help you understand how to take advantage of tools to boost your business without breaking your business!

Here is what your analysis includes

  • A 1-hour conversation where we both decide if we are an ideal match and talk about goals.

  • A SWOT analysis of your website/ Social Media or Online presence/ User journey and in-person experience if it applies

  • A customized solution tool to address design/ presentation and user-friendliness problems.

  • A custom package to help address the problems based on your budget


Sign Up for a FREE 30 Minute Session


Not sure if it’s worth it?

Schedule a Free 30-Minute Quick Analysis!


What will we do after a comprehensive business analysis?

We can use the following tools to update your online presence.


  • Establish a brand story by identifying your mission, values, client, and voice.

  • Offer a professional branding session for photography and videography.

  • Redesign or update your logo and website.

  • Make your website more user-friendly. Offer a usability test to target areas of improvement.

  • Establish tools to maintain high-quality social media profiles.

  • Ensure your backend system is organized and properly backed up so you don’t lose vital information.

  • Adjust your client journey to be easy and enjoyable.

  • Examine all your business copy and ensure it is impactful.

  • Ensure your brochures, business cards, and mailers are up to date.

  • Ensure you can fully navigate your business online and monitor your success.

  • Make you a lover of learning so you continue to grow.

Sign Up for a FREE 30 Minute Session


Excited to connect with us? Make your side hustle your main hustle! Meet with us today!

Speak with Bethany!


I Don’t Know What I Need!

Don’t worry! Contact us and set up an appointment below.

Email a Request

Send us an email with your request. This is the fastest way to connect with us.


We respond to emails within 24 hours, this is the fastest way to reach us for immediate needs.


2-week turnaround time minimum

All products delivered pickup not available.

Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an appointment to sit down via phone or video chat to discuss your needs.

Schedule Call

Open appointments are available on Mondays. Click schedule call above for availability.

Are we a good fit?

Are we the business for you? Read below to see if B.H. Steele Printing is what you are looking for.

We work with select clients to ensure a high quality experience.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your project is not lost or delayed in the pile of other work. To ensure high quality, we work with a limited amount of clients.

We collaborate with the same businesses we have used for our own projects.

In order to offer a wide variety of services and products, we work with printers and other businesses who are the experts in their field.

We aren’t a rush order shop.

Our goal is to ensure that your project meets excellent standards. We are upfront about the fact that we do not do rush jobs as we cannot guarantee quality without putting the appropriate time into your project. We are the business for you if you are looking at a project due in 2 weeks minimum. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to ask about your personal timeline needs.

You only need a voice

You don’t need to know about design or printing to work with our team. We are here to educate and empower. While there are plenty of on-demand printers out there we offer a level of personal attention a massive printer cannot. Share your vision and dream with us and let us support you.

Family owned

We are family owned and operated and are proud to help support small businesses and individuals achieve high-quality design and print from home.

We ship to you

We are a virtual shop. All projects are delivered to your doorstep. We do not offer pickup.

Small business Big heart

We are not here to only design and print. We are here to help you learn so that you can have the tools to succeed. Ask questions, be curious we love to share!




Virtual Design and Print is a Call Away.

We will be in touch.

Are you ready to make a change? We’re waiting for you. We value your time and will reach out within 24 hours.

2-week minimum turnaround time.

All products shipped no pick up available.





Schedule your 15-minute appointment here.

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